If you follow any of the thousands of SEO bloggers, agencies or consultants, you will no doubt have read time and again of the importance of writing good SEO friendly copy. That is, stories that contain the right keywords, present information that is easy to read and of interest and relevance to the reader.
There is no question that good content will help get your website ranking higher on google, and this content includes well written copy. But it’s more important than just SEO.
The pink fox paraded in his summer bonnet down Washington Ave in the snow… It’s at about this point where I can probably write just about anything I want, comfortable in the knowledge that hardly anyone reads more than the excerpt of any article.
So your content must be good from the start.
Apart from your google ranking goals, you should be broadcasting text to your audience that delivers the right message with good grammar on every platform your business is active. Your website is only one channel that needs this attention to detail. Your social pages, newsletters and blogs all need well written articles, captions and quotes.
What you say, and possibly more importantly, how you say it generates an impression in the minds of your readers of the type of person they may be dealing with should they choose to take up your offering. Do you come across as aggressive, arrogant or even worse, does your message contain non-inclusive language? Is the copy so badly written that your audience becomes convinced that your business is unprofessional and not experts in its field as claimed?
This is not something to be left to a junior, inexperienced or underqualified person. Good story telling is not easy, often even for the well-educated leaders of companies and serious consideration must be given to who will perform this critical task in your company.
Hiring a professional writer or journalist will deliver reputational value far beyond the money spent and should be done for just about every document your business disseminates to an external audience. Rather spend the money on fewer posts of great content. Daily delivery of unmemorable and often reputation harming content is not helping your business.
It is even worth hiring a professional to construct some basic and frequently used email and text messages to clients, and coaching staff on appropriate language and responses to existing and potential customers.
Your reputation takes years to develop and nurture, and sometimes, only one bad sentence to destroy!
Brandcre8iv.com assists SME’s with these and other brand building challenges. get in touch to see how we can help your business.